Home (?)

Sameer Shisodia
2 min readMar 19, 2023


So, this happened.

Oh well. I guess it’s a milestone of sorts.

I also read came across this last week. Most of what we’ve junked into the oceans isn’t even stuff we primarily use in the water. It’s just, plain, purely a dustbin.

That’s what the planet is to us today— a bunch of places to extract from, or junk into. That’s what our places mean to us — at least ever since a few ships started periodically sailing out of N Europe about 600 years ago to find “resources” in every place that could be exploited, and we followed up with “innovation” of myriad forms to do this at the largest scale and in the most “cost effective” manner. This form of existence, these motivations and the underlying myths that power them rule us all — every country, every village, every government and almost every citizen.

For the last few hundred years, and especially over the last cnetury, we have not looked at our places as “home”. Obviously, it’s looking more and and more like it won’t continue to be home for us.

Guy McPherson has been a climate pessimist — and recently revised the date for possible near term extinction from 2030 to 2026! While it sounds like a stretch, the logic used for supporting the possibility is all published papers, research and science. We have sucked at seeing exponential curves, feedback loops add up so who knows. Each time news like this pops up, I find myself being a little less dismissive of the extreme possibility suggested.

Truly deranged species, this. And completely disconnected from its home.



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