The Strange Dance of Normalcy

Sameer Shisodia
Sep 28, 2022


As I go about “everyday”, responding to mails, setting up meetings, trying to get small wins, planning things, reviewing our portfolio with our advisor, hoping to convince more people about better tradeoffs that might help slow this train to the end of the world down, I often feel like the man doing the dance when it all starts to end.

And then I look around, and see the dance at scale, and there’s not even the acknowledgement the man finally had. Our huge, collective pretence continues.

While reality gets to this

One of the scariest things I’ve read in the recent past

97–98%!!!! That’s game over territory. Add to that what a restoration scientist told me recently about even deep forests with no logging, no poaching etc being in gradual decline all by themselves.

The “everyday” seems so pointless, so futile, so staggeringly vacuous and shallow. And I feel terribly, terribly apologetic to the kids.



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